If you have been hurt in an auto accident, you have every right to seek financial compensation if you think that the negligence of the other person caused the accident. There are a number of
injuries for which you can claim compensation, including physical injuries, mental pain and suffering, loss of wages, and other damages. The Injury Lawyer in St. Catharines will explain how certain factors can influence the evaluation of the compensation amount. These
relevant factors will also help you to learn how much you can expect as compensation if you win the case.
#1. Facts and liability
To get the maximum compensation, the Injury Lawyer in St. Catharines has to prove that the defendant was solely responsible for the accident. Proving the claim is important when you demand full
compensation for your damages. But if the opposition succeeds in proving that you too, were negligent at some point or way during the accident, it can reduce the amount of calculation owing to
comparative fault analysis. if you want to win, the attorney has to prove that the defendant is more than 49% responsible for the accident.
#2. Seek prompt medical help
The nature of the injury and the severity will influence the case value. When you get hurt in a car accident, always undergo a medical examination as soon as possible. Sometimes, the effect of
the injury shows up years later and changes your life forever. But if your Personal Injury Lawyer in St. Catharines can find out the possible medical problems that can arise from the present
injuries, it will help to show the probable medical compensation you need for undergoing treatment in the future. As the insurance providers will always try to undermine your claim, the attorney
will always work on strengthening the value of the case.
#3. Severity of injury
What is the nature of the injury? Sudden accidents can cause severe brain injuries or spinal cord problems even if the magnitude of the collision was not so high. The Personal Injury Lawyer in
St. Catharines can get you more compensation for a traumatic brain injury than for a broken hand that will get better with time. A qualified attorney is the best person to give you the best
chance of getting compensation. But when you claim for a larger settlement, your lawyer has to show the valid reasons for the claim. If you cannot justify the amount, it won't get you much
#4. Your words during trial
The opposition will try its level best to pressurize you and make you blurt out something that can jeopardize the case. But your attorney will prepare you aptly for facing the trial so that you
don’t give in to the unnecessary pressure from the attorney. The lawyer will prevent you from saying anything that can show that you bear responsibility for the accident too. There is no need to
provide a recorded statement or a written format of the events. It's going to be a tough game and the lawyer's suggestions can help you to get maximum compensation. For more information visit
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