If you’ve been in a car accident, it’s important that you understand the benefits available to you. The Personal Injury Lawyer in St. Catharines might include medical coverage for any injuries or
loss of income caused by your accident and compensation for property damage.
When you are partially at fault for the accident this may reduce the amount of compensation you can recover.
For example, if your claim is $10,000 and it turns out that your negligence caused only half of the damage to another person’s property, then his or her insurance company would be responsible for
paying only half of that amount — which would leave him or her with $5,000 in damages. Personal
Injury Lawyer in St. Catharines knows that if he or she had been hit by both vehicles and was injured as a result of their combined impact with his or her body parts flying around
like rag dolls (and thus causing an injury), then his/her recovery could still be reduced by 50%.
Compare all these amounts to the limits of insurance policies applicable to the accident.
In addition to these factors, you should also consider the limits of insurance policies applicable to your accident. For example, if you were at fault for the slip and fall, then your insurance
company may be able to pay only a fraction or none of what it would have paid had you been found not at fault. Injury Lawyer in St. Catharines knows that unless there was some sort of negligence
on behalf of your lawyer or other legal representative (which is unlikely), they will likely charge you with all costs associated with preparing and filing an insurance claim—including paying
their fees!
Authority to Settle
The power to settle a case or claim is one of the most important aspects of your attorney's job, and it's essential to understanding how your personal injury lawyer should be handling it. Your
Injury Lawyer in St. Catharines has authority over whether they want to pursue litigation against another party in court, or if they'll accept an offer from them instead. This can have huge
implications on whether you will receive compensation for any injuries sustained during an accident—but not before it's all settled out between both parties involved in settlement
Know what to expect from your attorney before hiring him or her: Your lawyer should be able to explain his/her specialty areas and explain how he/she will handle each step of your case (e-mailing
back and forth between you and him/her). This way, when it comes time for action, there won't be any surprises!
Give them enough information about yourself so they know what kind of results will likely occur during trial if no settlement gets reached beforehand—and if so then why not just settle now
instead? In the end, it’s important to remember that distracted driving is a serious issue. As we’ve seen in this article, it can cause serious injuries and even death. For more information visit
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